Q: My Mining Laser has Stopped – Why ?

A: We hear this question asked from time to time, and it’s almost always down to a single issue of Fuel.

Miners tend to forget over time that their mining actions (Mining the actual Asteroid) is using fuel.  If you run out of fuel your mining laser simply will refuse to mine. On the top bar in game, just to the right of your in game credits your fuel is displayed.

Don’t forget if you have fuel in your fuel depot you can go grab some and return to the field and carry on.

Hover the mouse over the fuel icon and you will get a box showing your Current Fuel, Max Fuel and how much fuel if any you have in the Fuel Depot. It also shows your Fuel Regen rate.

This is the rate at which your engine produces fuel every hour. It should be noted that fuel is produced every 15 minutes at 1/4 of your hourly rate.


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