Hauling freight between ports is one of the easiest ways to earn credits, and it allows you to explore the galaxy at the same time.  But before you can begin, you will need to learn the Freight License- Dumont skill.

Get Dumont Skill:  Enter the Merlin Certification Corporation store at Atlas Station.  This store sells the most basic skills.  In the Trade section, you will see Freight License- Dumont for 1,000 credits.  Buy it.  This skill gives you a license to carry freight.

Learn Dumont Skill:  Click on the round icon along the bottom of the screen to enter the ‘Manage your Skill Tree’ screen.  It will be in the Trade section, and learn this to at least level 1.  Each addition level will give you a 2% bonus on each delivery.

It will also be quite useful to learn Civilian Jump Drive Systems in the Navigation section.  Each level of this skill increases your Jump Gate Nexus distance by 10.


Find a Delivery:  Enter a Dumont Haulage office.  There is one at Atlas Station.  There are several ways to sort the possible delivery requests depending on exactly what you want to do.  I’ll show you a couple of methods, but the first thing you will need to know, is how much space is available in your Freight Hold.  Look at the ‘Cube’ icon along the top of the screen, this will show your Freight capacity.  The Marauder has a capacity of 30.

Method 1:  If you have a destination in mind:  If you want to go to a specific place, don’t go there without bringing something, you may as well make some credits on the trip.  From the initial screen it can be difficult to find a good match.  

Click on the empty box below System, and type at least a few letters of your destination.  I wanted to go to Servitude so I  entered ‘Serv’, and found 2 deliveries for 19 & 8.  Perfect, I can carry both and earn 547+230 credits.  Click on the Take Shipments button for each, and go to the Zephyr system in Servitude.  The items will be automatically removed from your ship when you arrive at the proper destination, and then you will be paid.

Method 2: If you want to maximize your payment:  The further away the delivery is, the more the overall payment, but the ratio of value to distance is constant.  So two shorter deliveries will make as much one longer one of the same total distance.   The real key to maximizing profit is to fill your Freight bay.

I will suggest that it’s best to make deliveries to only one system, at least until you learn your way around.  If you’re maximizing profit, don’t go anywhere without a nearly full freight bay.

Sort by Distance, and click the ‘Distance’ arrow until the furthest distance is near the top.  There is a 50 credit docking fee at each port, so longer routes will minimize that cost.

I don’t like any of the deliveries to Xenthos or Jerico, because I can not take more than 20, that would leave 10 empty freight space in my hold.

Scroll down a little.  Weber isn’t bad: 19+8 to Capella Prime is 27 total.  Wellspring however it ideal, 19 +10 is 29 total.  Nearly fills my freight hold of 30 capacity.  Take both of those Shipments, and head to Wellspring.


One last tip:  When looking for a Dumont Haulage, don’t waste 50 credits randomly docking at each port.  Use the Galactic Finder in the Burger Menu, and search for a Dumont office in the system you are currently at.


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